Online Digital Signature certificate
What Is Digital Signature?
A digital signature ensures the authenticity of electronic document or message and uses encryption techniques to provide evidence of original and unmodified documentation. Your digital signature demonstrates that you agree to some type of document, such as a legal contract.
What Is Digital Signature Certificate?
A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a protected digital key which issued to verify and confirm the identity of the person holding this certificate by the certifying authorities. Digital Signature Certificates are useful when performing online business in authenticating the individual holder's personal information details. DSCs are issued by a legally authorized certification authorities (CA).
What Are The Types Of Digital Signatures?
Individual Digital Signature Certificates (Signing Certificates):
This certificate helps identify an individual as per the name and personal details. Hence, they are used to signing documents and emails. They are also used to restrict access to sensitive information
Server Certificates:
Server Certificates are used to identify the server. Typically, this certificate is issued to hostnames that could be the host reader. These certificates make it possible for the SSL protocol to secure all communication that flows through the network.
Encryption Certificates:
Such forms of certificates encrypt information during their transmission. During their online transmission, the public key of the individual's DSC encrypts the information. CA also provides separate certificates for authentication and digital signatures.
What Are The Different Classes Of Digital Signatures:
Based on the need, the type of applicant and the reason for which the Digital Signature Certificate is obtained determine the type of DSC to be applied for. There are totally three classes of digital signatures. Now let us see about them in detail.
Class 1 DSC: These are given to individual / private users and are used in the database of the certifying authority to verify that the user's name and contact details from the clearly defined subject. It has been used for a simple level of data base security with limited to low threat levels or threats of unauthorized data access.
Class 2 DSC: Class 2 certification is issued for verification of information in the registry to both the organizations-businesses and private subscribers. It is used during monetary transactions or to access personal information, as well as for other transactions, where there is a significant risk of malicious activity. Class 2 is also used in India to file different forms of government.
Class 3 DSC: Class 3 certificate is given to individuals and organizations wishing to engage in government procurement or electronic bidding and auctions. In order to receive a Class 3 certificate, applicants may be expected to be physically present before the CAs. Class 3 signatures are important to data theft, fraud and security failure environments.
What Are The Documents Required For DSC:
1. Identity Proof
2. Passport.
3. PAN Card of the Applicant.
4. Driving Licence.
5. Post Office ID Card.
6. Bank Account Passbook containing the photograph and signed by an individual with attestation by the concerned Bank official.
7. Photo ID card issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Centre/State Governments.
8. Any Government issued photo ID card bearing the signatures of the individual.
Address Proof
1. AADHAAR Card.
2. Voter ID Card.
3. Driving Licence (DL)/Registration Certificate (RC).
4. Water Bill (Not older than 3 Months).
5. Electricity Bill (Not older than 3 Months).
6. Latest Bank Statements signed by the bank (Not older than 3 Months).
7. Service Tax/VAT Tax/Sales Tax registration certificate.
8. Property Tax/ Corporation/ Municipal Corporation Receipt.
Digital Signature Certificate Issuing Authorities:
DSC issuing authorities are as follows,
1. NIC (For Government Departments/ Undertakings only)
2. (n)Code Solutions CA(GNFC)
3. Safescript
4. TCS
6. Customs & Central Exercise
7. e-Mudhra
How to Buy Digital Signature:
Step 1: Select from any of the DSC issuing Certifying Authorities (CAs) to pick the type of agency you want the DSC to use. Download the DSC registration form.
Step 2: After downloading the form, fill the following details.
1. Name and contact details of the applicant
2. Residential Address of the applicant
3. DSC Validity
4. DSC type which has to been chosen
5. GST Number & Identity Details
6. Identity proof document
7. Details of Attesting Officer
Step 3: The document provided as proof of identification and address should be attested by using an attesting officer. Ensure the signature and seal of the attesting officer is visibly clear on the assisting proof documents.
Step 4: Payment must be done in the form of a demand draft or a cheque addressed to the respective Certifying Authority where the DSC is applied for.
Benefits of Digital Signatures:
Digital Signatures are very useful in many ways. The benefits of digital signatures are as follows :
Time Savings :
Digital signatures ensure that companies save money on costs and time with a touch of a button closing documents and contracts. Especially when the person signing needed is in a different place or not physically present in the current place, there is a lot of cost-cutting and time-saving. Documents can be immediately closed, from anywhere. Whether it's a tablet, telephone, or PC, digital signs can consistently ensure that this otherwise tired assignment is done in minutes.
Easy To Use :
Digital signatures provide the better customer experience. Digital signatures provide the comfort of signing important documents wherever a customer or individual is located to sign. Customers don't have to wait for the customer to go to the bank or office. Records can be closed at the stage of entry. This is perfect, especially in remote areas and small townships that provide enhanced and customized administration. The consumer has the ability to be anywhere and to communicate with an organization, making programs and organizations extremely quick, easy and user-friendly.
Provides Security:
Digital signatures reduce the danger of the report itself being duplicated or modified. Computerized signatures ensure verification, integrity and authenticity of signatures. Signers are issued with PINs, coded phrases and codes capable of validating and verifying their character and supporting their signs. Time phase gives the date and time of the mark and thus provides a track of the record, reducing the possibility of modification or misrepresentation. Security highlights set in advanced signs ensure that documents were not changed without permission.
Document authenticity:
Digitally signed documents give the recipient confidence to be certain of the authenticity of the signer.
Things To be Remembered While Submitting Digital Signature Application Form:
1. The applicant's signature should only be in Blue Ink
2. The applicant's signature should be the same as in the proof of identity
3. The applicant's signature must be signed across the photo of the applicant in the application form.
4. All supporting documents should be approved by the Gazetted Officer / Bank Manager / Post Master
5. Either of the following is mandatory for proof of attesting officer:
Attestation officer information including name, appointment, address of the office and contact number. This should be part of the certificate. It should be approved by either the Applicant or certifying officer if issued separately.
OR Self Attested copy of Organisational Identity card of attesting officer
6. Organizational Documents also can be attested with the aid of Authorized Signatory
Where is Digital Signature Used?
For sending and receiving electronically signed and encrypted messages, you can use Digital Signature Certificates.
For signing documents like MSExcel, MSWord and PDFs.
Plays a key role in the creation of a paperless workplace.
To submit applications online
Difference Between Digital Signature and Digital Signature Certificate:
A digital signature is an electronic signing process for an electronic document whereas digital signature certificate that identifies the CA issuing it, contains name and address of the subscriber, contains the subscriber's public key, tells the validity of the certificate.
Why Do I Need to Use Digital Signature Certificate?
A Digital Signature Certificate automatically authenticates your identity. It also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions by maintaining absolute privacy of the exchanged data using a Digital Signature Certificate. Certificates can be used to encrypt data such that it can only be accessed by the intended recipient.
To sum up, the digital signature's cryptographic character verifies and guarantees the following:
1. The document comes from a verified source and is genuine.
2. Since it was digitally signed, the document has not been manipulated.
3. Its identity has been verified by the Certified Authorities.
4. One of the best digital signature providers are “Vakilsearch”. They have been partnered with some of India's leading and accredited Certification Authorities. To have a Digital Signature visit Vakilsearch.
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